Demi Lovato: Gift Of A Friend Music Video
Demi Lovato holds up a magic paper that famed fairy Tinker Bell appears on in her new music video, “Gift Of A Friend.”
The 16-year-old actress filmed the video in Los Angeles earlier in the year, where she described the video as “very girly/ fairy-esque.” We’d have to agree on that.
Demi recently tweeted BFF Selena Gomez to congratulate her on her new single, “Falling Down.” Demi shared, ” I LOVE your new single 😀 It’s on repeat!!!! SO PROUD OF YOU!!!”
i love this music video and demi lovato she is such an inspiration to young girls
Demi LOvato vs Selena Gomez/ VOTE PLEASE we want to KNOW Thank youbye and good night.
she have a voice better than selena n miley……..n the song is sweet
u know selena had sung the same song……….its amazing?
n demi is luking beautiful………..first time……….
the music is so so soo soo cute n sweet………..demi u rox!!!!
selena gomez iz da bom so iz demi both r fy
who do u think iz better demi or selena
think demi is better but i like selena
u r freakin crazy selena ROX
i love your song (gift of a friend)
plzz…………..not beautiful just nice…………….n i agree with u with that thing first………….yeah she is been luking nice first time to me……….